Introducing the Wellvana Interfaith Network

Introducing the Wellvana Interfaith Network

The Wellvana Interfaith Network (WIN) is a transformative partnership between Wellvana and faith communities to overcome healthcare disparities and better manage the chronic conditions that plague so many patients. As the founding member of WIN, COGIC has taken a bold step forward in its Decade of Health initiative. WIN will take a stand for our community’s health and demand a seat at the table for our community doctors. If you're a primary care provider or know one who could benefit from the WIN partnership, please follow the recommendation link below. We will be hosting a series of events in the coming weeks and months to onboard interested providers.

The Wellvana Interfaith Network (WIN) is a transformative partnership between Wellvana and faith communities to overcome healthcare disparities and better manage the chronic conditions that plague so many patients. As the founding member of WIN, COGIC has taken a bold step forward in its Decade of Health initiative. WIN will take a stand for our community’s health and demand a seat at the table for our community doctors. If you're a primary care provider or know one who could benefit from the WIN partnership, please follow the recommendation link below. We will be hosting a series of events in the coming weeks and months to onboard interested providers.

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